Browse Broadcasts


In this page you can search, reply, print and view the latest broadcasts according to your incoming broadcast settings in your profile, for example if you have set your regions to Asia and Europe only, the system will show you broadcasts from these two regions only.

Browsing broadcasts

  1. Log into the platform using your username / email address and password.

  2. Hover over “Broadcasts” menu located in the top of the page.

  3. Click “Browse Broadcasts”.

Search broadcasts

  1. Click the “Search” button (in the grey tools bar) to open the search and filter side pane.

  2. In the filter and search pane, enter the product or service you are after, you may narrow your search down to a certain company/member, region, country, or the date when the broadcast was created, and finally by category or subcategory.

  3. Browse the displayed results and click the broadcast box you are interested in, a window will open with all the details below:

  1. Details of the broadcast.

  2. Feedback of the member who created the broadcast.

  3. If you would like to add this member to your Favourites list, click the heart vector in the top right corner of the member details box.

  4. If you would like to add this member your exclude list, click the dislike vector click in the top right corner of the member details box.

  5. If the broadcast is “WTS” and has information about the consignment details, you will find “Get A Shipping Quote” button, which you can use to get a quick quote for delivery of this consignment. 

Reply a broadcast

To communicate with the member who created the broadcast, type the message you want to send and click “Reply”.

Print a broadcast

In the broadcast details page, click the “Print” Button.

Dynamic filtering

  1. When you are browsing broadcasts or stock, click the main category, region, or country, of your preference and the system will update your view with matching results, for example if you can see a certain product or service is advertised from Sweden, and you would like to view all the Swedish broadcasts, just click Sweden.

  2. To reset your view, click the red cross button to clear this dynamic filter.